Fun with Family & Consumer Sciences and FCCLA!

Hear ye, Hear ye!! Extra Credit Can Come Your Way!

If you are currently a student in Mrs. H's class or a member of FCCLA, it is worth ONE extra credit or FCCLA point if you comment on a post within one week of original posting. Include your First Name, Last INITIAL, and class hour.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Family! It's about Family!

Just a quick note as school has started up:
There are other FCCLA blogs out there in cyberland and I try to keep up with what is going on if I can. I read a very nice post on the Kansas FCCLA Leadership blog written by the 1st State Vice President about remembering our families and being a better family member.
Whether you are in FCCLA or in Personal Finance or any other class, you can make a difference in your family.
So click on over and be challenged. (click on the photo)

Picture from Eudora, KS FCCLA

What can you do for your family?
(that would be the question I want you to answer in your comment)

Be part of it!

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