Fun with Family & Consumer Sciences and FCCLA!

Hear ye, Hear ye!! Extra Credit Can Come Your Way!

If you are currently a student in Mrs. H's class or a member of FCCLA, it is worth ONE extra credit or FCCLA point if you comment on a post within one week of original posting. Include your First Name, Last INITIAL, and class hour.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Power of One 5 Unit Recognition Forms

We're coming to the end of programs and activities for the 2010 School Year at Seneca FCCLA. 

Oh, sure, we still have lots of fun to come, 
but for events that will receive/earn recognition, 
time is running out.
If you are competing in State STAR Events, 
Practice, Practice, Practice!!!

All members who have complete all 5 units 
of Power of One 
and want State and National Recognition,
it is time to fill out the Recognition Application.

Power of One Units:

Power of One gives youth the POWER to fulfill their dreams by creating self-directed projects that focus on:
  • A Better You — Improve personal traits
  • Family Ties — Get along better with family members
  • Working on Working — Explore work options, prepare for a career, or sharpen
  • skills useful in business
  • Take the Lead — Develop leadership qualities
  • Speak Out for FCCLA — Tell others about positive experiences in FCCLA.

 All members of the FCCLA Leadership Class should have already completed all 5 Power of One Units.

The deadline to fill out, print out and get the summary to 
Mrs. H is February 22. 

Your completed Power of One forms should be in the Power of One binder, 
and if you have been keeping up with filling out the Summary Form, 
it should be a piece of cake to just type what you already wrote on to the online form and then print it out.
The forms need to be signed by Mrs. H and mailed to State 
 or you will be out of luck.
    Five Unit Recognition Application

    Are we done for the year?  
    Of course not!

    As soon as we return from State it's time for 
    Leadership Applications:
    New Officer Installation:
    End of the Year Trip:
    Member Recognition and Awards:

    and National Leadership Conference in Chicago:
    And then we start all over again.  
    However, if you are a graduating Senior,



    Remember that we are still keeping track of points for this year for the End of the Year Trip.  
    And all points after February 1st count toward next year, so keep up the good work!!!

    Remember to 

    1 comment:

    1. This is a test of the Fun Facs Comment System.
      Be Part of It!
      Mrs. H


    You may leave a comment as "anonymous". Just click on the drop down that says "comment as" and choose anonymous. FCCLA members just your first name and last INITIAL. Current students, must also add your class hour!