Hear ye, Hear ye!! Extra Credit Can Come Your Way!
If you are currently a student in Mrs. H's class or a member of FCCLA, it is worth ONE extra credit or FCCLA point if you comment on a post within one week of original posting. Include your First Name, Last INITIAL, and class hour.
Today I leave for Summer Conference, the annual FACS and other career tech programs conference for teachers in Springfield. I'll be bringing back ideas for the school year for FCCLA and our classes.
But before I go, I wanted to let you know that our FCCLA theme for the year has already been chosen and we'll try to integrate it into our classes too.
So here's your hint:
School will be starting sooner than you think! Be sure to read and answer the poll to the right.
The National Leadership Conference (NLC) is now underway. You can follow along and see what's up as the week progresses. Already information has been released that Children's Miracle Network will be the National Service Project for this coming year.
CMN is close to my heart and I will tell you about it if you ask.
Students: If you visit our FACS/FCCLAblog (that means THIS blog) and post a comment about an entry, I will give you 1 point extra credit for the quarter.
Of course, no fair going back and commenting on every post just so you don't have to do your classwork. The comment must be timely, within a week of the original post, relevant and appropriate and have your first name and last initial (class hour if your name is common).
This works for the summer as well as for school breaks.
If you want to know what's going on at the National Conference, you can "tune in". Two FCCLA Alumni will be posting on the official National Leadership Conference FCCLA blog !! So check in from time to time.
Also, if you are on Twitter, Missouri FCCLA is already tweeting about the upcoming conference as well as other pertinent information for Missouri FCCLA specifically. Follow with #FCCLA09or just follow MOFCCLA!!!
Came across this blog through another FCS teacher on Twitter. Not only does this Seattle teen bake:
She also blogs about it.
Check it out! Click the next photo for the link:
What are you doing with your Summer!!!
By the way, the National Conference is beginning. You can follow along by checking out the MOFCCLA blog. One of our Mo State Officers will be guest blogging about the events and fun! Keep in touch.