Our annual Membership Drive is under way.
We are once again selling Courtney's Candles
(16oz size )

to help you raise money for your dues.
Hurry to get your form, orders are due (with money) September 1st!
If you sell 7 candles, your dues are completely paid. (all or nothing)
If you sell 15 candles, your FCCLA tee is paid for.
If you sell 25 candles, you can get an FCCLA hoodie.
If you have already paid your dues, talk to Mrs. H about using your candles sales to help pay for trips.

If your dues are paid by September 10th, you are eligible to go to the Leadership Training in Carthage on Sept 17th! It's all day.*
Be sure to ask Mrs H for a travel permission form.
Don't forget to leave a comment.

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