Fun with Family & Consumer Sciences and FCCLA!

Hear ye, Hear ye!! Extra Credit Can Come Your Way!

If you are currently a student in Mrs. H's class or a member of FCCLA, it is worth ONE extra credit or FCCLA point if you comment on a post within one week of original posting. Include your First Name, Last INITIAL, and class hour.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Homecoming Parade

Here are a few snapshots of our windy day building the 
FCCLA Homecoming float:


Inside at the Pep Rally:

And on to the parade:

1 comment:

  1. That was a crazy day! ...nice float though!
    Alyssa Cole (6th hour)

    p.s. thanks for updating the comment options.


You may leave a comment as "anonymous". Just click on the drop down that says "comment as" and choose anonymous. FCCLA members just your first name and last INITIAL. Current students, must also add your class hour!