Fun with Family & Consumer Sciences and FCCLA!

Hear ye, Hear ye!! Extra Credit Can Come Your Way!

If you are currently a student in Mrs. H's class or a member of FCCLA, it is worth ONE extra credit or FCCLA point if you comment on a post within one week of original posting. Include your First Name, Last INITIAL, and class hour.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

STAR Events 2010

Congratulations to Kat, Andrea and Michelle as they progress to
State FCCLA Star Events for their entry in Chapter Showcase Manual, senior.

We also had Callie enter Interior Design

Elizabeth received a silver medal for her Chapter Showcase Display

Trevor received Bronze for Chapter Service Manual


Breann finished her year as Regional Secretary


The local newspaper came and took photos:




Congratulations to all for following through!




  1. Congratulations to all of the students, and their advisor, who worked so hard on these projects!

  2. I am so glad to be in first i didnt think i would make it, but i see now that FCCLA has changed my life completely. It has made me realize that we can all make a difference in the world if we pitch in!! I know i can make a difference in a pareson's life.. can you?? I thank Mrs. Herbert for all she has done also. thanks bunches!!!!!!!

    Leslie J.Mendoza
    3rd hour- FCCLA Leadership!


You may leave a comment as "anonymous". Just click on the drop down that says "comment as" and choose anonymous. FCCLA members just your first name and last INITIAL. Current students, must also add your class hour!